一年 365 天是地球公转速度决定的,一天 24 小时是自转决定的。而一周 7 天则是圣经提到,基督的信徒们规定的。可是我们一定要让两千年前原始的人们告诉我们一周就应该是七天,一周就应该工作五天吗?
就好像有些国家的车在马路右边开,有的在左边开。一周几天其实是一个 coordination 问题。我们希望大家用的是同一种计量方式,同一种时间计算方式来更好地合作。但是目前的方式不代表就是最合适当下社会和人们的需求的。改变是有可能、有必要的。毕竟,当年瑞典还换过法律,从马路左边开变到右边开呢。
本文来自 NPR Radio 一个美国流行的节目叫做 Life Kit 。
译者:Tracy Zhang
The 40-hour workweek isn’t working. Reducing it could help with productivity
一周 40 小时工作制不太行!缩短每周工作时长能够提高生产力
The five-day workweek can feel as preordained and immovable as the number of minutes in an hour. You wake up, go to work and come home. Then, wash, rinse, repeat until the weekend.
But the Monday-to-Friday grind hasn’t existed forever. Nearly a century ago, working six days a week was the norm. In the U.S., the five-day workweek (along with the two-day weekend) is something workers fought for and won in the 1930s after working years in grueling conditions that are now illegal.
The world has changed a lot since the five-day workweek became enshrined into federal law. But we’ve kept working 40 hours from Monday through Friday even though that schedule no longer supports many workers.
“The normal working week doesn’t work in many ways,” says U.K.-based researcher Will Stronge, who co-wrote the book Overtime: Why We Need a Shorter Working Week with Kyle Lewis. “It’s just hidden by the fact that we’re forced to do it.”
“现在的工作周制度在很多方面都是不可行的。”英国的一位研究员威尔·斯特朗格(Will Stronge)指出。他和凯尔·刘易斯(Kyle Lewis)共同编写了《超负荷工作以后:为什么我们需要缩短工作周》一书。”这种行不通的工作制度只是被我们不得不这样做的事实掩盖了”,威尔·斯特朗格这样说。

Stronge says being at work for eight hours of the day doesn’t mean you’re operating at peak productivity for those eight consecutive hours. But that’s what the five-day workweek suggests. Meanwhile, workers in all kinds of industries are suffering from burnout and blurred lines between their professional and personal lives.
So, how did we get here, and where can we go? Life Kit spoke with Stronge about when the five-day workweek became normal, what has changed since then and what a shorter workweek offers workers and organizations. Excerpts from the conversation, edited for length and clarity, are below.
Interview highlights
How we got to the five-day workweek
Coming out of World War I and World War II, [workers] basically wanted a better deal. You had President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U.S. who said: Look, we want a welfare system. We want better support for our society. Frances Perkins, Roosevelt’s secretary of labor, was very much informed by [workers] making these demands on [working hours and conditions]. So you get the Fair [Labor Standards] Act in 1938 baking in the 40-hour working week into legislation to set new standards for what the working week is.
How work has changed since the five-day workweek became normal
In the U.S., we’ve gone from large manufacturing economies to more service-based economies. The U.S. still has a lot of manufacturing, of course. But now, there’s a lot more desk-based work, particularly since the IT revolution of the ’80s and 90s’.
I think what’s happened since is that our working culture has changed to be one where it’s much more about going above and beyond — working beyond your hours either for better career prospects or simply because it is demanded of you by your boss.
Now, during the pandemic, you’re in your living room with your laptop. So it’s hard to switch off this creep which has infiltrated our working lives. I think it’s safe to say it’s to the detriment of most people that it’s hard to switch off.
How a shorter workweek addresses the “second shift” women perform at work and at home
The male breadwinner model has been around since the start of industrialism. Women looked after kids, prepared their meals and also nurtured and looked after the male worker after he came home exhausted from the industrial grind. Throughout the 20th century, when women entered the workplace, women got incomes of their own and lived lives outside of the domestic regime. But they also got the “second shift.” You work your job, you go home, you do the second shift of looking after the family and preparing the meal.
男性养家糊口的模式自工业化以来就一直存在。女性看管孩子,煮饭做菜。当筋疲力尽的男性工人结束劳动回到家后,女性还要照顾他们。二十世纪以来,女性开始步入职场,有属于自己的收入,体验到了照顾家庭以外的生活。然而,与此同时她们也获得了 “第二轮工作”。也就是说,职场里的工作仅仅是第一轮,回到家后,女性依然要照顾家人、煮饭做菜,完成她们的“第二轮工作”。

So, if you’re talking about reducing working hours in general, a four-day workweek will first and foremost benefit those who work the longest hours in total. This is particularly relevant to women who both have their paid employment and their unpaid work at home. Work is a feminist issue as much as anything else.
How the five-day workweek hurts the environment
Studies carried out around the world link working hours to people’s carbon emissions or carbon footprints. That’s not just because of the kind of work people do in production (manufacturing and construction being very carbon intensive). It’s not just that. It’s also because of things like commuting. If people drive to work, that’s a huge carbon burden. If you’re taking ready-made meals and bottled water, these kinds of quick, easy foods that come with a work-centered lifestyle, they have high carbon footprints as well. If we’re going to fight climate change, a decent way of doing that while also improving people’s working lives is reducing the work of the working week.
What a shorter workweek offers workers and organizations
For many organizations, what you lose in labor time you gain in greater productivity on the job. For a lot of desk-based fields — creative organizations, administrative organizations and small manufacturers as well — there’s a recognition that in an eight-hour day, there is some slack. We can’t concentrate all the time, particularly if you’re overworked and burned out. So reducing the working week has reaped dividends in terms of productivity and worker well-being, which means workers come to work refreshed. They come to work liking their job a bit more and wanting to get the work done so that they can have a nice weekend.
The biggest challenges to shortening the workweek
The main obstacle for implementing a shorter workweek is changing the work culture. You might have people who want to work above and beyond. They might want to prove that they’re working hard by putting in extra hours. But that’s detrimental because a workplace with a decent working culture would be one where the quality of work is good, where everyone’s playing their role and collaborating within the team. It’s not about individually proving that you’re a harder worker than others. So, laying down firm guidelines and ground rules about what working hours are and what’s expected of staff — that’s what needs to be in place to avoid overwork culture.
Why we should care about a shorter workweek
I think we should all be interested in the future of work. We’re all workers of one kind or another, whether it’s manufacturing or service sector or radio. The future is something that we can, and should, shape. And I think we should steer away from this wave of automation coming in, the jobless future, and so on. We should not give in to the temptation to think that the future is just on its way to impose stuff on us. But we should be interested in the future of work so we can change it.
How we’d fill time on our day off
This sounds quite banal, but a lot of people just get their life admin done so the weekends are entirely clear to do all the fun stuff they want to do. I’ve met people who say they used to brew beer and they want to get back into that. And a lot of people just want to spend more time with their family and pick their kids up from school and so on, which I think is quite heartwarming.