Offer 信息
MSc in Electronic Engineering | HKUST School of Engineering
Master of Science in Electronics | NTU Singapore
Nov, 2020 提交申请 HKU 和 HKUST
Dec, 2020 获得 HKUST 的录取通知书
Jan, 2021 提交申请 NTU
Feb, 2021 获得 HKU 的录取通知书
Mar, 2021 获得 NTU 录取
哈工大威海,电子科学与技术专业 87.5/100 的均分,申请时大四
大四上学期 正在实习 但是没结束所以不能作为申请材料

获得 offer 的文书:
Personal Statement
China has the largest integrated circuit market in the world. However, the substantial demand is mainly fulfilled by products imports and patent purchases, instead of self-sufficient production. There is still a giant technology gap between China and the countries with advanced integrated circuit design capabilities. Such a huge trade unbalance in the integrated circuit industry drove me to dive deeper into the discipline, hoping to contribute to its development in China.
Therefore, I participated in the XXX Competition as a college freshman three years ago in order to further explore the industry. After nights of designing, testing and debugging, my team and I built a gesture recognition system using XXX control system and capacitive sensors. We also embedded the recognition of “paper, rock, scissor” in our contest delivery. As a result of our hard work and our innovative design, we won the first runner-up in the competition. This experience made me realize two things: integrated circuit technology can be applied to a wide range of areas and I still have a long way to go on the path to stimulate industry innovation in China.
To strengthen my skills in electronic engineering, I established the XXX Lab under the supervision of Prof. XXX. During my years in the lab, I assisted in developing the pad pin header soldering direction recognition system and its corresponding Python-based algorithm. Although the algorithm and the recognition system were successful in the laboratory environment, we failed to adapt to the environment of assembly-line production, which required more delicate modeling and design. After all, research results should serve for real-life production. The practicality of integrated circuit design is by no means less important than the algorithm itself.
To become a competent electronic engineer, as I conclude, one cannot divorce design and practice. Instead, he should put the engineering design into a more complex framework to counter potential obstacles. Therefore, I joined the XXX AI Challenge in 201X to examine my design in an international context. By using XXX system and XXX neural network of darknet framework, my team and I developed a XXX identification system that was able to identify targets automatically within two minutes. Being able to complete such a complex task was exhilarating. This experience also helped me understand the importance of teamwork in electronic engineering. The effective collaboration enabled us to learn the necessary tools to develop such a complicated system.
These valuable experiences had greatly improved my programming skills, research skills and communication skills, which all contributed to my academic progress. I can now lead an EE class project to achieve satisfying results despite all obstacles. This spring, I enrolled in the class XXX. Group projects became extremely challenging during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, my abundant experience in teamwork and project management provided me with mindsets to empower the team to conquer. Because of our collaborative and diligent efforts, our team accomplished an XXX interactive task with computers. This class also opened a new area for me: Digital System Design is another branch that I would like to explore.
I understand that fulfilling my dream of contributing to the research and development of the integrated circuit sector requires more comprehensive programming skills and research methodologies, after bachelor’s study. The MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) at HKU becomes an ideal choice for me. First, the well-structured curriculum taught by the top-notched faculty will provide me with opportunities to communicate with practitioners and industry leaders. Classes like Integrated Circuit Design and Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning can refresh my understanding and programming skills of recognition systems. I can also contribute to the class discussion based on my research and practice experience in college. Digital System Design Techniques and Digital Image Processing then offer me more advanced tools to achieve complicated digital system designs.
TWO embedded postgraduate research programs distinguish the MSc in EEE program from the others. The capstone project of XXX is aligned with my interest and previous experience in digital system design. In addition, the research project will polish my academic literacy and research skills. These research opportunities will significantly assist my professional development as of their practicality and advances. Moreover, I believe that the extensive network at the Department of EEE will help me gain enlightening ideas and career advancement. All in all, I believe that HKU will be an indispensable part of my journey to bring more innovations to the integrated circuit and digital system design industry.

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