Name: XXX
Application Number:
Dear Madam or Sir,
I am writing to update my offer situation. At this moment my unconditional offer is pending the submission of a required English language test score. I have been taking the PTE English test and according to my offer letter, I need to achieve an overall of at least 59[1] to meet the English requirement. I sat a PTE test on 31st July and that was the earliest opportunity to do so given the fact that virtually all accepted English tests didn’t resume test services until mid-July. And my score was 58.
On 21st August I sat another test and this time my score is even lower, probably resulting from the poor English training service offered by my training institution, which moved their course to online video and then had to declare bankruptcy. Before the final date of 31st August, I cannot feasibly arrange another test. Therefore, I am afraid that 58 would be my final test score, which is one mark lower than what the offer required.
Hence I would like to request a reconsideration of the English requirement and allow me begin my study in this September. I know this might be a difficult decision to make, but given the difficult situation that we find ourselves in, it is certainly not a ridiculous one. Furthermore, the following factors might also lend some support to my request.
Firstly, a number of British universities have adjusted their English requirements as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. For instance, the University of Reading and York took a proactive measure to lower English requirement of their postgraduate courses. I obtained this information from my friends and they can testify for it.
Secondly, English requirement is surely a matter that each university has their own discretion on. The University of Manchester has the right to do so as well. Yet what I also learned is that several departments of Manchester have also gave special consideration of English requirement to their prospective students. For example, UoM Law School requires a writing score of at least 65; a student with 63 was gracefully issued unconditional offer. I am also aware of a similar case from the Business School. Again, I sourced this information from my friends who will stand by their words when needed.
Lastly, I am not asking for a major or significant concession from the faculty. Being one mark below the required score is merely a small and almost negligible difference as the PTE test organizer would also readily concord. In fact, in the official document of the PTE test, there is on average a difference of 2.7 marks between the test score and actual English proficiency, at the B2 proficiency level[2]. This means that my actually English score might as well be at least 59.

What’s more, other activities of mine also speak for my English skill. In 2018 I attended a summer school session at the University of Warwick where I took eight courses and scored 80% (A+) on average. In addition, I also served as a bilingual editor in my university’s radio station.
I believe that the faculty and the university take a holistic view on a student’s eligibility. I have not only the confidence to complete the master’s study with good performance but also the motivation to achieve greatness in the programme. Sincerely I hope you can consider issuing me the unconditional offer with my current best English score attached.
Yours truly,
[1] https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/admissions/language-requirements/
[2] https://pearsonpte.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Job_-Score-Guide-2019_-V.11-2019.pdf