New Offer from the University of Hong Kong’s Competitive Full-time Master of Finance Program with an Astonishingly Exorbitant Deposit

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The University of Hong Kong 

Full-time Master of Finance

Offer Page

Applicant’s Background

Undergraduate institution:Peking University

Major:Risk Management and Insurance

CGPA: 3.54/4.00 (or 86/100)

No GRE GMAT scores

2 internship experiences

Application Timeline

Hand-in time: October 11th

Offer received: November 14th

It only took 34 days to get the offer.

Beichen Notes

As we all know, the HKU MFIN program is perhaps the most competitive program for mainland students. Both the school’s general and specialized rankings are charming. This time, we helped Evelyn to prepare her PS. We also gave her some extra services, helping her revise her CV and recommendation letters. Due to HKU’s relatively complicated application system, we supported her in filling out the application as well.

Evelyn is very excellent, not to mention her average score of 85 or above from Peking University. With her background, she is likely to get an offer as long as the paperwork is above average. But, no one can ensure getting an offer until they get one. All we can do is to struggle in every aspect of the application. We definitely helped Evelyn a lot in her application process. Let’s take a look at some of her questions below.

By the way, the deposit at HKU is getting extremely high, which is a bit unfriendly to the applicants. But I, with an academic background in economics, believe that there are some economic considerations in doing so. Although I have heard that some students successfully got refunded of the deposit through “illness” or other reasons, I suggest that you cherish your own reputation. Besides, you also represent to your school and company.

  Excerpts from the PS

  1. The good years of unprecedented global prosperity are out and in is a new era of uncertainty where financial professionals with a risk management acumen could add tremendous value to economies, organizations, and individuals.
  2. Time and time again, it has become clear to me that in finance I can find my purpose and meaning.  
  3. Not one day passed without me didn’t even notice its passage and seeing tangible growth of knowledge and skills. 

Comments from our clients

If you want to get application assistance and paperwork services as well, feel free to contact us~ 

Program Overview

The HKU Master of Finance (MFin) Programme is an interdisciplinary programme aiming to provide motivated individuals with cutting-edge training in financial theory, as well as the mathematical, statistical and computer training necessary for a multitude of financial disciplines: pricing derivative instruments and securities, modelling and forecasting financial markets, hedging and financial risk management, credit risk management, insurance and reinsurance, quantitative trading and arbitrage training, asset allocation and investment management, and asset/liability management.

Students can choose to concentrate in one of the learning streams: Corporate Finance, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, according to their interests and career aspirations.

Successful graduates will enjoy a competitive advantage in a wide range of career opportunities in commercial and investment banks, brokerage and investment firms, insurance companies, treasury departments of non-financial corporations, regulatory agencies, and also consulting and accounting firms.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Master of Finance Programme, a candidate must:

  • Hold a recognised bachelor’s degree or equivalent;
  • Obtain statements from two referees, regarding his/her suitability for the programme; and
  • Obtain a TOEFL/IELTS* score if you are not from an English-medium university. 
    Minimum score requirement: TOEFL: 80 or IELTS: 6 (with no subtest below 5.5) TOEFL iBT® Home Edition and IELTS online tests are not accepted.

GMAT/GRE scores are not required, but a good GMAT/GRE score will be favourably considered and can be helpful for marginal cases.

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