
Offer展示 NUS: Master of Science (Management) 新加坡国立大学:理学硕士(管理) Tsinghua: Master in International Management 清华大学:国际管理硕士 项目官网链接: https://mim.nus.edu.sg/cems-min/ http://masters.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/glssxm1/xmgk.htm Offer:National University of Singapore 清华大学 Offer 因隐私原因暂不分享。 申请人背景 本科院校:香港理工大学(PolyU)  GPA: 3.19/4.0 个人经历:参加的创业项目获得香港创业类大赛亚军;担任香港某协会主席;多段相关实习和工作经验;参加过上海和新加坡的交换项目。 北辰学长说 在去年同样得益于北辰光文书拿到清华大学…

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【Offer 喜报】两次被 KCL 认可的喜悦应该分享给所有人~

Offer 展示 伦敦大学国王学院 King’s College London  欧洲研究文学硕士 European Studies: General Pathway MA 申请人背景 本科院校:North China Electric Power University (华北电力大学) 专业:LLB 法律 CGPA:82/100 三段实习经历 申请时间线: 10 月 26 日提交申请 1 月…

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HKUST Offer Received! Best Chances to Analyze China from the Perspective of World’s Frontier

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Master of Science in Global China Studies Offer Page -Congratulations! You've received HKUST's offer! -Wooooow, I'd cry to my tears... This is…

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【Offer喜报】KCL 14 天出 offer?

Offer 展示 King's College London 伦敦国王学院 录取项目 International Child Rights & Development 申请人背景 本科院校:North China Electric Power University(华北电力大学) 专业:Law Science(法学) CGPA: 3.18/4 (or 81.78/100) 三段实习经历 推荐信完成时间:03/11/2022 offer 时间:17/11/2022 时间跨度:14天 项目介绍…

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New Offer from the University of Hong Kong’s Competitive Full-time Master of Finance Program with an Astonishingly Exorbitant Deposit

Offer Page The University of Hong Kong  Full-time Master of Finance Offer Page Applicant's Background Undergraduate institution:Peking University Major:Risk Management and Insurance CGPA: 3.54/4.00 (or 86/100) No GRE GMAT scores…

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